Wedding Ideas


A Classic Wedding Bouquet

A classic white roses’ bouquet is the perfect choice for romantic and sophisticated brides. White represents innocence, truthful and purity. This monochromatic wedding bouquet is the perfect example that sometimes less is actually more. The beauty of white roses always adds a touch of elega...

A Glamorous Bouquet?

You should definitely go for red roses and leaves cascade bouquet if you want to look elegant, posh and you are planning a luxury and glamorous ceremony. The cascading flowers make the wedding bouquet highly visible and flattering. Red roses with their rich texture and intense color gave it a gre...

A Romantic Bouquet

A pink and white calla lily and roses bouquet is a two-tone elegant and sophisticated choice. Calla lily is a very elegant flower thanks to its light lines it creates an elegant movement effect. Lilies always delight and they make a perfect combination with fresh garden white roses. The combinati...

An Original Bouquet

Do you want to be different? Are you looking into original wedding bouquet ideas to amaze your guests? This light purple roses and white calla lily cascade bouquet may be your best option! This bouquet has a beautiful and modern design with a sophisticated combination of colors and the freshness ...

A Bouquet with Warm and Cheerful Tones

Are you thinking about sunny and warm colors for your wedding day? This orange, bright yellow, red, golden and white calla lily bouquet is perfect for warm color theme wedding. The little red and yellow flowers at the center give a vibrant and freshness touch to the bouquet and they add contrast,...

Do It Ourself is Always a Good Option

Are you up for a DIY wedding? Many brides today opt for this solution because they love the idea of “do it yourselves” or because they want to keep their budget under control. So choose your favorite flowers, in this case they are astromelias, and start collecting floral tape, pins, f...

A Centerpiece for a Country Wedding

Country style wedding are always trendier and Peru offers many different option of rustic venues and Haciendas where you can have the country style wedding of your dreams. You generally do not think about wedding when you see a piece of wood and a glass jair, but you just have to dress up them wi...